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Under the glow of the Christmas Tree

I love a December morning. I love that the sun doesn’t wake quite so early so I can sit quietly in my comfy chair with the Christmas tree providing the only light in the room. I love the warmth of a cup of coffee on my hands and the contrast in temperature if I press my palm to the window. It’s brisk outside in the early mornings, even in the South.

I love the joy of figuring out the perfect present to get each person I love and the extra crowds of people in stores this time of year. I don’t love lines and waiting, but there’s something to romanticize about the way we’re all out and about gathering goods for someone other than ourselves.

I love finding little ways to help my aging mother prepare the huge meals she sets out for dozens of family members. She’ll never stop, but each year we work to contribute more than before.

I love baking the treats we only eat this time of year and letting little hands help me add sprinkles to cookies. I love picking a family movie and cuddling up on the couch under a big blanket.

This time of year is made for memories. We kick off a season of holidays by gathering to say thanks for all we have and then we do our very best to grab on tight to that grateful spirit and not let go through a season of bustling crowds, countless events and loads of extra time with loved ones.

This time of year, perhaps more than any other, is what shapes our memories of what our family was like as kids and what we hope for our grown families later on.

This season, we challenge you to take a moment to pause and reflect on a few of your favorite holiday memories. And if you need a little help, below you’ll find three short prompts. Make the exercise a family affair, by asking each person at your holiday table to share one of all of their answers.

  1. What was your most prized holiday gift growing up and when did you receive it?

  2. What is your favorite food that was always on your holiday table? And do you know how to make it?

  3. How did your parents or caregivers make your holidays feel special?

We wish you a reflective and beautiful holiday season from the team at Memories In Writing

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